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Your Presence In My Life Is Truly Magical And Divine
I want you to know that your presence in my life is truly magical and divine. You held my finger and pulled me out of the darkest phase of my life. You held my firmly hand when I was lonely and sad. You kept my head on your shoulder and beautifully pacified my mind. I was broken into a million pieces but you gathered every single piece with utmost care and made me whole. I was a lost and wandering soul but your love showed me the way to paradise. I was an immature little girl who feared the world and shied away from people but with you by my side I have evolved into an emotionally strong and a confident woman. Today because of you and your confidence in my abilities I can face the world headstrong. I owe my life to you. I owe every beat of my heart to you. I owe every nook and corner of my soul to you. I was nothing to anyone when I met you and today I am everything to you. Our journey together has been beautiful and mesmerizing and it almost feels like I am dreaming with open eyes. I just want you to know that now it is impossible to imagine a single moment of my life without you. I can’t breathe without you. I can’t feel my heartbeats without you. I don’t feel alive without you. I want you in my life today, tomorrow and in every tomorrow after tomorrow…Aarti Khurana

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