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I Know You Will Never Come Back
I miss you all the time whether I am at work or driving past the busy streets looking at couples holding hands and walking together like we used to do. But the time when your absence hurts me the most is when I wake up with a shudder in the morning knowing that I have dreamed of you, but cannot remember the entire dream. I feel lifeless like a zombie walking around the house waiting for a miracle to happen. Sometimes at night, I feel like I am groping in the dark looking for a light switch that can bring your love back in my life. I try frantically to forget what happened between us. I try to forget and put behind every bad moment we shared like all our fights and the fuss. But it is always in vain because I am never able to forget the beautiful moments I shared with you and I miss you even more. Sometimes I blame destiny for snatching you from me and sometimes I blame time for robbing me of my most priceless treasure of your love. I wish you were with me and perhaps we could have together rolled back the good times, But I know you will never come back...Aarti Khurana

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