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I Have Always Fought For What I Have Always Believed in
Don’t get carried away with my laughter because you might miss hearing my cries that I hide behind it. I have had the most chaotic life you can ever imagine. I have battled through everything that life has thrown at me. I have embraced my own flaws and imperfections and sprinkled love on my heart and soul when there was no one to love me. I have loved truly, deeply, madly and fiercely, regardless of my love being unrequited. I have scars on my soul that are deeper than you can even think of. I have countless demons that carry immense strength which disembarks me often but I still never give up. My fragile heart has busted from its seams and has bled for days on end. Every mark, every scar, every wound proves that I have had a roller coaster life. But it also proves that I have fought for what I have always believed in and I have never done anything that would compel me to hang my head in shame. I have always stood tall with my head held high and I will continue to do so till I breathe my last. And all this is what makes me, so pristine, so serene and so beautiful me...Aarti Khurana

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