I am a psychologist by profession but writing is my first and last love. I am a freelance writer and a poet. Writing is my passion and I love quotes. I want to spread the message of love and positivity. I want to touch the hearts of millions of people with my writings. You can call me a writer but its the over brimming love in my heart that flows out on paper and becomes eternal…
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Sunday, January 28, 2018
Never Force A Man To Love You Back
Even if you love him truly deeply and madly, don’t force him to love you back. No matter how much you crave for his time and attention, never beg him to spend time with you. And if he wants to go away from you, don’t stop him when he leaves. Just let him go freely. If he deserves you and your love he will come back to you and if he doesn’t then consider him gone forever. And if your heart aches for him again, tell your heart that he never belonged to you…Aarti Khurana
I See Magic In Your Eyes
The only magic that I have seen in my entire life is that look in your eyes that melted my heart forever. Meeting you and falling in love with you is the most incredible and the most miraculous feeling I have ever known. I want you to know that there is nothing more breathtaking in this entire world than the feeling of being in your arms. I forget the world when I hear your heartbeats. I forget my pain when you caress me tenderly while I drift away to sleep. You are a blessing in my life for which I thank my lucky stars every day...Aarti Khurana
Yes I Am Demanding And I demand Your Undivided Time And Attention
Yes, I am demanding and I demand your undivided time and attention. Yes, I am jealous and I can’t see you spending your time with anyone else. Yes, I am possessive because I want every bit of you just for me. Yes, I behave like a child sometimes because I want you to pamper the little girl hidden inside me. Yes, I go quiet for hours and hours after a fight because I want you to come to me and hug me. But no matter how demanding, jealous, possessive or childish I am, nothing can stop me from loving you or caring for you. I can’t imagine a single day of my life without you. I can’t sleep unless you take me in your arms and put me to sleep. You are the only one I love …You are my life my better half and my best buddy. You are the apple of my eye…Aarti Khurana
You Walked Into My Life To Make Me Believe That True Love Exists
I think you walked into my life to make me believe that true love is not a fantasy but a reality. You proved it to me with your relentless and undying love and dedication. At first, I didn’t believe you and I was afraid to give my heart to you. I thought you were also like the other men who play with a woman’s heart and then leave her shattered and clueless forever when they are done playing. I am sorry I did not love you at first because I was skeptical. But now I am head over heels in love with you because you showed me what true love is all about. Thank you for loving me and making me believe that true love exists…Aarti Khurana
When A Real Man Confesses His Love To A Woman
When a real man confesses his love for you and proposes you to be his life partner, then you will be his topmost priority. A real man will always be sincere and honest in his relationship with you. If a man is genuine with you, he will never fake anything in front of you. He will not sugarcoat his words to impress you and he will never make promises he can’t keep. If he does something wrong he won’t hide it from you and he will look into your eyes and tell you the truth. He won’t give you any false hopes and he will be utterly honest with you … No excuses, no drama, and no deceit...Aarti Khurana
I Caught Myself Thinking About You Again
I caught myself thinking about you again. I was just wondering that do you even think of me now that I am miles away from you. I loved you with all my heart and soul. I gave you every bit of love that was buried under my bones and I have no regrets because I am proud of the way I love you with all my honesty and my truth. All I want to know is that did I ever mean anything to you. Am I worth your memories? Will I be the one whose heartbreak will be an unforgettable memory in your heart? I just want to know that am I worth remembering when I am no longer a part of your life. Will I be the girl whom you will think of when you miss the feeling of being loved? I just want to know am I worth being missed now that I am gone forever…Aarti Khurana
I Could Have Gone To The Ends Of The World For You
I Will Love You With Every Bit Of Me
I can’t assure a happy ending .I can’t assure a forever. But I vow to love you with all the tenderness in my heart and all the warmth in my soul. I vow to love you with every bit of my heart and soul. I promise to be your shoulder to lean on when you feel alone. I promise to be your listening ear when you want to feel emotionally lighter. I promise to be the reason behind your happiness. I promise to be your comfort on the bad days. I promise to make beautiful and unforgettable memories with you each day. I promise to love you with every single nerve, every single bone and every single cell in my body. I promise to be your soul buddy for the rest of my life. I can’t promise you the world but I can promise you all of me… Aarti Khurana
It Took Me A Long Time To Move On
I didn’t walk out of your life all of a sudden. It took me a long time to move on. It was not easy to just pack my bags and go away. It took me a while to pack my emotional baggage and gather my courage to walk away from your life. I had moved on when I stopped getting your time and attention. I had moved on when my tears didn’t matter to you anymore. I had moved on when your long text messages turned into one-word replies. I had moved on when I stopped feeling jealous about the other women in your life. I had moved on when I had stopped arguing with you. I had moved on when I had stopped fighting with you. I had moved on when we no longer had our long conversations and when we stopped communicating with each other. I had moved on when I felt that we were no longer emotionally and soulfully intimate. I had moved on when I realized that you were emotionally unavailable to me when I needed you the most…Aarti Khurana
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Don't Treat Marriage As A Social Tag... Treat It Like An Eternal Vow...
Marriage is just a formality on a piece of paper. Being married is not a lifelong guard against cheating or betrayal and no marriage can guarantee everlasting love. You don’t need to put a diamond ring on my finger to show me how much you love me... I want your soul entwined with my soul like an eternal ring. I don’t need a marriage license or a grand bridal attire to feel on top of the world…I want you to love my naked soul without limitations. I don’t want you to hold my hands to just walk up to the church…I want you to hold me in your arms for the rest of my life. It’s not important to get married to feel loved...It’s important to be with a man who gives you his time and attention, who wants to grow old with you, cherish beautiful moments with you and stay in love you till the rest of his life. Marriage should be an eternal vow ...not just a social tag...Aarti Khurana
Every Woman Wants An Honest Relationship
Every woman wants sincerity, honesty, truthfulness, and transparency in her relationship with the man she loves so dearly. She will love him if he gives her his time and attention. She will love him a lot if he loves her and accepts her with all her flaws and imperfections. She will love him more and more if he is honest and sincere. She will love him more than anything if he is genuine and doesn’t fake or fabricate anything. She will love him more than her life and follow him to the ends of the world if he loves her to the core with all his heart and soul...Aarti Khurana
You Are My Piece Of Paradise On Earth
I want you when it rains, I want you when it snows, I want you when there is a storm outside I want you when it’s all calm outside. I want you when the sun is out. I want you when the moon rises. I want you under the starry sky. I want you under the dark sky. I want you before sunrise, before sunset, before midnight and before noon. I want you in every hour, in every minute, in every second of the day. I want you in a million lifetimes and in a trillion different worlds. I want you in any version of reality or any version of fantasy. I want you in any shape, any form or any color. For I have loved you from the deepest pit of heart. For I have loved you from the depths of my soul. You are my piece of paradise on earth. You are my one and only Soulmate...Aarti Khurana
Sunday, January 14, 2018
You Are In Every Essence Of My Existence
You are in every essence of my existence. You run through my veins like blood. You live under my bones. You throb in every pulse on my wrist. I find you in all the hidden places of my mind, in all the untold stories of my heart and all the unfinished poems of my soul. And the best part is that I want you there for eternity….Aarti Khurana
Just Love Naturally And Allow Your Heart To Lead You
We can’t set any rules in love. There is no manuscript or a blueprint about how to behave when you are in love. You can’t love someone if you are tied down by limitations and boundaries. You can’t love someone completely if you are bound by rules. When you fall in love you tend to follow your heart and it’s your heart that decides everything that you do. When you love someone just be completely spontaneous. Every single relationship is different and people behave differently when they are in relationships. Everyone has a vivid way of expression and a different way of dealing with emotions. What works for you might not necessarily work for others. So don’t try to follow anyone and don’t try to find any rules about love. Just love naturally and allow your heart to lead you..Aarti Khurana
One Day Everything Falls In Its Right Place
One day everything becomes clearly visible. One day everything falls in its right place. You start realizing who is important for you and who is not. You see the real faces of the people around you. You start choosing people wisely. You learn to ignore the ones that hurt you and overlook the ones who don’t care about you. You don’t miss people who have left you and gone for good and you don’t cry for the ones who left you clueless. You learn to stand tall despite the mess in your life. You finally learn to fight alone and win your own battles. You learn to live with your scars and you treat them as your trophies and medals. This is the time you will learn to choose what makes you happy and You will start doing things for your happiness and for healing your soul...Aarti Khurana
It Takes A brave Heart To Love Someone Even When They Stop Loving You
Sometimes no matter how much you try you just can’t stop loving someone with whom you have shared a piece of your soul. You don’t even stop loving them even when they stop showing their love towards you. You might portray something else because of anger and resentment in your heart but deep in your heart you know that no matter what they do, you can’t love another. You just stop showing love and affection because you don’t want anyone to disrespect your feelings. This is also the time when you realize that the most difficult task in life is to remove someone from your heart. But if you love someone despite the fact that they don’t love you anymore then you have a brave heart. Always remember it takes a strong heart to love someone but it needs a braver heart to keep loving someone even after being hurt...Aarti Khurana
You Have Left Me With A Sadness I Can Never Escape.
When I get flashbacks about our relationship, I can clearly see that you didn’t love me because of me. You loved me because of you. You loved me because you wanted to heal your soul. You wanted someone to put life back into your dying heart. You loved me to satisfy your own ego. You loved me because you didn’t want to end up alone and you wanted someone to end your loneliness. You loved me because you wanted someone to satisfy your physical, emotional and soulful needs. You loved me because you could see that I was the one who could put an end your miserable life. But when you got everything you wanted, you left me to perish alone. You took all the best pieces of my soul and left me never to look back at the way I suffered without you. You have left me with a sadness I can never escape...Aarti Khurana
Friday, January 12, 2018
I Feel Blessed When I Wake Up In Your Arms
I feel blessed every day and every night when I sleep and wake up in your arms. I absolutely love the feeling of drifting away to sleep while you hold me in your arms and I am madly and crazily in love with the feeling of looking into your eyes the moment I open my eyes every morning. It is because of you that my mornings are so beautiful and it is because of you that my nights are so cozy and warm.I have waited for this kind of love all my life. My heart slams against my ribs when I think of the lonely nights I have spent on my bed waiting to feel the arms of a man who loves me from the depths of his soul. I need you like deserts need rain. I need you like the sky needs the moon to illuminate a dark night. I need you like a bird needs wings to fly. You are all I see. You are all I want to love. You are the only one I want to know for the rest of my life…Aarti Khurana
I Vow To Love You With All The Warmth Of My Soul
I can’t assure a happy ending .I can’t assure a forever. But I vow to love you with all the tenderness in my heart and all the warmth in my soul. I vow to love you with every bit of my heart and soul. I promise to be your shoulder to lean on when you feel alone. I promise to be your listening ear when you want to feel emotionally lighter. I promise to be the reason behind your happiness. I promise to be your comfort on the bad days. I promise to make beautiful and unforgettable memories with you each day. I promise to love you with every single nerve, every single bone and every single cell in my body. I promise to be your soul buddy for the rest of my life. I can’t promise you the world but I can promise you all of me… Aarti Khurana
Even Death Cannot Separate My Soul From Your Soul
No matter how many times I fight with you and no matter how many times I mess up, my love for you will remain unaltered and unshaken. No matter what comes up in life for us and no matter how much distance and time separates us, I will always find a way back to you. There is no way that I can breathe a single moment without you in my heart. I love you so much that even my death cannot separate my soul from your soul. Always remember that… Aarti Khurana
I Moved On When You Were No Longer Emotionally Intimate With me
I didn’t walk out of your life all of a sudden. It took me a long time to move on. It was not easy to just pack my bags and go away. It took me a while to pack my emotional baggage and gather my courage to walk away from your life. I had moved on when I stopped getting your time and attention. I had moved on when my tears didn’t matter to you anymore. I had moved on when your long text messages turned into one-word replies. I had moved on when I stopped feeling jealous about the other women in your life. I had moved on when I had stopped arguing with you. I had moved on when I had stopped fighting with you. I had moved on when we no longer had our long conversations and when we stopped communicating with each other. I had moved on when I felt that we were no longer emotionally and soulfully intimate. I had moved on when I realized that you were emotionally unavailable to me when I needed you the most…Aarti Khurana
I Don't Need A Perfect Lover
I have loved you from the deepest pit of my heart and soul. I can go to the ends of the world just for you. I can wait for you endlessly only if you promise to return. I can love you till my last breath only if you reciprocate my love. I can make our relationship rock only if you are willing to work on it with me. I can fight the world for you with one hand if you are willing to hold my other hand firmly. But I don’t see any efforts from your side. I don’t see you craving for me like I crave for you. I don’t see you loving me the way I do. I don’t get any special attention from you just the way I give you. I don’t get your time and I don’t get your attention. I have my emotional needs which need to be fulfilled. I have a lot of patience. I can endure pain. I can forgive you a million times. But I have my needs and I have my limits. I am not a saint. I am just a simple girl who needs love and care. I don’t need a perfect lover but I need someone who can love me perfectly. I don’t want a perfect life but I want a happy life with the one I love...Aarti Khurana
One Day My Absence Will Hit On You
When I fell in love with you I wanted it to last forever. I nurtured our relationship with all my love and I made all my efforts to strengthen our bond. I put my heart and my soul into everything I did for you and sometimes I went out of my way to make you feel loved and cared. But now I am tired of being the only one trying to make things work out between us. Now it is time for me to move on and heal my heart and soul. Maybe you will miss me when I am no longer here to love you and care for you. Maybe my absence will make you feel lonely and maybe you will crave for me... You will miss the fights I put up with you just to make our relationship work. You will miss all the things I used to do to grab your attention. You will miss all those random texts messages I used to send you. You will miss my out of the blue silly arguments which just meant that I loved you and I could not share you with anyone else. You will miss the way I used to get jealous and cry for you. You will miss my late night conversations, my mood swings, my childish tantrums, my possessiveness for you, my insecurities about our relationship and my random phone calls. Maybe my absence will hit on you...Aarti Khurana
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
If She Loves You, She Will Be Sensitive And Emotional About You
If she loves you, she will be sensitive and emotional and she needs her feelings to be understood... Don’t misunderstand a woman for having an attitude if she suddenly stops communicating with you. If she is ignoring you or not responding to you, it doesn’t mean she doesn’t care about you and it doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you. It simply means she is upset about something or deeply hurt by you. If she remains silent for a long time then it means she needs some time alone and she wants to keep her tears and pain to herself. Give her some time and she will be fine...Aarti Khurana
I Believe in You, I Believe In Me, I Believe In Us
How could I have let you go? How could I have unloved you? How could I have let my word come crashing down if you were gone? Only after I met you I realized that the universe sends you what you are seeking and but then you need to treasure it and cherish it. I can never find another soul in this world to call my soulmate. I have given you my all. You have seen me at my best and you have seen me at my worst. I have shared all my joys with you and I have also shared my pain. You have seen me broken and you have seen me whole. You are the only one who understands my pain. You know my demons and you know how to help me overcome them. I shed all my inhibitions for you, I showed you all my vulnerabilities, I shared my weaknesses with you. I let you trace my wounds with your seasoned hands. I gave you the best parts of my soul and now I cannot survive without you. It will take me an entire lifetime or death to overcome the pain of your absence from my life. I still believe in us, and I am sure you still believe in us too...Aarti Khurana
I Am Done With Being Emotionally Available To People
One day I finally realized that it was no use paying attention to people who can think of nothing but to bring me down. I realized that I was just wasting my time and energy on random people who never valued my presence in their life. I have endured enough. I have suffered enough. I will never explain or defend the choices I make for myself. I don’t regret a single decision I have ever taken for my own happiness. I no longer want to live a life of regrets, apologies, and chases. There comes a time in life when you are done with being emotionally available to people and when you are done with being taken for granted...Aarti Khurana
I Have Always Fought For What I Have Always Believed in
Don’t get carried away with my laughter because you might miss hearing my cries that I hide behind it. I have had the most chaotic life you can ever imagine. I have battled through everything that life has thrown at me. I have embraced my own flaws and imperfections and sprinkled love on my heart and soul when there was no one to love me. I have loved truly, deeply, madly and fiercely, regardless of my love being unrequited. I have scars on my soul that are deeper than you can even think of. I have countless demons that carry immense strength which disembarks me often but I still never give up. My fragile heart has busted from its seams and has bled for days on end. Every mark, every scar, every wound proves that I have had a roller coaster life. But it also proves that I have fought for what I have always believed in and I have never done anything that would compel me to hang my head in shame. I have always stood tall with my head held high and I will continue to do so till I breathe my last. And all this is what makes me, so pristine, so serene and so beautiful me...Aarti Khurana
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Women Prefer Intelligent And Wise Men
The biggest mistake that men can make is to try to woo women by flaunting their good looks and their bank balances. But women don’t get carried away with the good looks of a man or his money and wealth. Always remember that it is not that easy to grab the attention of a woman. Women like men who are intelligent, wise and matured. It is the intellect of a man, his wisdom and his maturity in handling real-life situations that can catch the attention of a woman. Women choose men wisely and they always prefer intellectual compatibility over physical attractiveness because somewhere down the line they know that looks are short-lived and temporary but intellectual brains can last forever...Aarti Khurana
Stop Putting Yourself Through Pain
Are you still waiting for him to change after so long? Are you waiting for some magic to work on him? Are you still hoping that he will love you back just the way you want him to? When it hasn’t happened for such a long time and despite all your efforts then what is keeping you in this relationship. If you are done with trying and done with crying then it’s now time to move from being a victim of emotional abuse. You are wasting your time and attention on a man who doesn’t even care. You are just trying to change a man who doesn’t even deserve your love and attention. If there was any scope for change it would have happened long time back. Now it is time for you to stop putting yourself through pain and move on in your life. You have just one life and you deserve happiness. So stop investing precious moments of your life on a man who is not emotionally present in your life. Move on and find your own happiness and peace ... Aarti Khurana
The Real Sexiness Of A Woman Lies In The Strength Of Her Character
Don’t fall for a man who loves you for your beautiful face or you’re the curves on your body... Fall for a man who loves your scars. Fall for a man who understands your pain. Fall for a man who can see the tears you push back when you smile. Fall for a man who respects every decision you have taken so that you could save your dignity and stand tall. Fall for a man who respects you for the values you hold and the ethics that are a part of your life. A real man will not choose a woman just because she looks sexy or beautiful, he will choose a woman who can take a stand for herself, fight for herself and defend herself against all odds. The real sexiness of a woman lies in the strength of her character and the compassion in her heart…Aarti Khurana
True Love Is A Feeling Of Eternal Joy
Falling in love is easy but you can only stay in love if your love is true. True love is not a short-lived fantasy or a fairy tale. It is not about dating, clubbing or sleeping with someone for physical pleasure. It is an eternal feeling that connects two hearts beautifully. It is an immortal bond of two souls. When you love someone truly then you become inseparable in every possible sense and there is nothing that can tear you apart. True love is when you are put through everything that is meant to tear you apart and you keep coming back stronger than before. True love is when you hold on to the one you love despite the fact that you have a million things that separate you. It is when you keep bouncing back into your relationship even after the most terrible fights and arguments True love is when you are so emotionally, soulfully and physically compatible that your souls get united in an unbreakable eternal bond. True love is a feeling of eternal joy... Aarti Khurana
You Will Miss The Girl Who Loved You
Sometimes I want to cry a lot and let out the tears I hide
I just want to overcome the pain that hurts me so deep inside
I am trying to move on by getting the thoughts of you out of my mind
But I don’t know how to erase the melancholy you left behind
I just want to overcome the pain that hurts me so deep inside
I am trying to move on by getting the thoughts of you out of my mind
But I don’t know how to erase the melancholy you left behind
I tried so hard to give you all I had and I tried to make it last
But all I am left with is a broken heart and memories from the past.
You stole my heart and then shattered it through and through
Now I’m falling apart and I don’t know what to do.
But all I am left with is a broken heart and memories from the past.
You stole my heart and then shattered it through and through
Now I’m falling apart and I don’t know what to do.
You had promised me forever and said that you will stay
I wonder where I went wrong that you had to walk away
You will never know how much I cry coz you will never get to see
You can’t even imagine how I am living through this misery
I wonder where I went wrong that you had to walk away
You will never know how much I cry coz you will never get to see
You can’t even imagine how I am living through this misery
Days will pass and years will fly and maybe I will heal again
Maybe I will find someone who will love me and understand my pain
But deep in my heart I know and I can say this with utmost surety
One day you will miss the girl who loved you truly with all her honesty
Maybe I will find someone who will love me and understand my pain
But deep in my heart I know and I can say this with utmost surety
One day you will miss the girl who loved you truly with all her honesty
Aarti Khurana
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
She Will Love You Back In A Million Ways
You don’t need to flatter a woman to make her happy you just need to give her your time and attention. If a woman is in love with you she won’t find happiness in parties, discos, gifts and expensive things. She will find her happy moments in small gestures of love. She will find her happiness in the time you spend exclusively with her. She will feel happy to stay connected to you and share her little secrets and dreams with you. You can make her happy by just dedicating her your favorite love song. You can make her feel special by writing her a love letter and expressing your special feelings for her. You can make her feel loved by cooking for her when she is tired. You can make her melt in your arms with your surprise hugs and kisses. You can make her swoon by admiring her for her personality and appreciating those little gestures of love she shows towards you. It is simple and easy to make a woman smile and I think every man can do this if he is willing to. Just give her your TIME, ATTENTION AND LOVE and she will love you back in a million unspeakable and unimaginable ways...Aarti Khurana
A soul mate connection is the most inexplicable connections of all. The most fascinating thing about soul mates is that they connect like magnets and have immediate electrifying feelings of a deep connection to each other’s existence.. Your soul mate will meet you all of a sudden, just out of the blue and you will lose all sense of time and space and you will feel it in your bones that you have known them forever. You will feel like you have shared previous lives with them and they were just a missing part of your own heart and soul which you were desperately looking for. Then the magic in your relationship will begin and you will connect telepathically, physically, soulfully, emotionally and spiritually with your soul mate and your life will change forever. I think when destiny decides to unite two souls in an eternal bond it makes them each other’s SOUL MATE…Aarti Khurana
Every Woman Wants A Man Who Can Love Her Perfectly
There might be million perfect men in the world. They might be loaded with perfection. They might be famous, influential or rich. But a woman doesn’t get attracted to all of them because she just wants that one special man with whom she can click instantly like a magnet. A woman gets attracted to a man when she sees her other half in him. The one who compliments her beautifully and makes her feel complete. The one who makes her feel comfortable just the way she is. The one who connects to her mentally, emotionally, soulfully.This man might have flaws and imperfections but that won’t bother her because what will matter to her is that how he makes her feel when she is with him. A woman doesn’t want a perfect man… she wants a man who can love her perfectly...Aarti Khurana
Let Us Hold Hands And Welcome Another Year Of Love And Passion
This year we have spent every single day since falling more madly in love with each other. This year we have grown mature as a couple and it's wonderful to see us grow into this affectionate, giving and loving couple. We have meticulously unfolded deeper connections of our minds. And we have managed to nestle further into one another’s hearts and souls. We commit to each other wholeheartedly and without any reservations. Let us hold hands and let us together turn the leaf for another year in your life, with a promise of eternal togetherness. I promise to love you in every single moment the 365 days that are coming my way in 2018. Minutes turn into hours but you lovey-dovey conversations never end. Here's to another year of non-stop love and passion! Wish you a very happy new year, my love...Aarti Khurana
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