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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

My Heart Still Belongs To You

I haven’t met you since the day you left me clueless as to what went wrong between us. We haven’t spoken for days or maybe months on end. We are physically very far from each other but to be honest, I was never able to let you go from my heart and from that place in my soul where you had made an eternal home for your soul. I wonder how I can still feel your fragrance on my skin. I wonder how just the mention of your name still sends a chill through my spine. I feel a tickle in my heart when I hear your favorite songs. I sense you around me with my eyes closed. I wish I knew what went wrong and why did you have to go. I wish you knew that I can never feel for any other man like I feel for you. My heart still belongs to you and my soul still yearns for your soul....Aarti Khurana

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