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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

I Moved On When We Were No Longer Emotionally Involved...

Long before we broke up, I knew that we would never end up together. My soul knew that a storm was brewing and I sensed a breakup when I stopped getting your text messages and your frequent phone calls. I knew that you were no longer emotionally involved with me. When I no longer felt the warmth in your touch, I knew that your soul was drifting away from my soul. And when my tears didn’t bother you, I knew that you did not care anymore. My mind understood that you were no longer going to be a part of my life but my heart refused to understand. My heart denied the very thought of you going away. It took me a while to calm down my heart and make it understand that my destiny was not tied to your destiny. And now I have moved on with the thought that we were never made for each other...Aarti Khurana

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