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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

I Could No Longer Cope Up With Unrequited Love

I loved you so truly and deeply that it was almost impossible to imagine my life without you. But I had no choice but to walk away from your life forever. It was not easy for me to give up on you but I was done with feeling ignored and deserted. It was not a piece of cake for me to let you go away from my life but this was the only way to save my heart from more and more pain. How long could I have survived with the feeling of being taken for granted? How long could I live with you with the feeling of being undesirable? I could no longer cope up with unrequited love and I had to pack my emotional baggage to move on. It was the most painful feeling I ever felt in my entire life. It was difficult for me to make my heart understand that it will be no longer connected to your heart…Aarti Khurana

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