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Thursday, July 19, 2018

Being Married Is Very Different From What Is Shown In The Movies

Being married is very different from what we have seen in the movies. It’s a lot more than what we read in love stories. It’s not just about cuddling in the bed all day. It's waking up to snoring, wanting to take your pillow and go to another room but you don't, because you love each other. It's about sleeping beside the person who takes off all the covers and forces you to the edge of the bed in the middle of the night. It’s about waking up and making breakfast together. It’s about taking responsibility of washing the dishes and doing the laundry each day. It's about coming home to the same person everyday that you know loves and cares about you and is waiting to have dinner with you. It’s about fights that make you feel like giving up on your relationship and running away forever but you don’t, because you know you will miss your partner the very moment you leave the house. It's about keeping your head on his shoulder when you have an emotional breakdown. It’s when you are shattered and your love lays on the floor with you and holds you and tells you everything is going to be okay, and you believe them blindfolded. It's about loving someone, with all your heart and soul even though they make you feel absolutely crazy and insane. It’s about living with someone despite harsh words and countless fights about absolutely nothing. It's not a perfect life. It’s going to be hard to get along sometimes, but it's so amazing and comforting that when you grow old together you will say that being married was the best thing you’ve ever experienced...Aarti Khurana

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