
Search this blog for Quotes By Aarti Khurana

Friday, July 19, 2024

Tender Care



Anonymous said...



In midnight’s quietude, stars tiptoe high,
Lanterns of secrets, mysteries in the sky.
Do they whisper of the moon, in silken veils,
Revealing, concealing, her heart’s soft trails?

And what of the wind? It dances through ancient forests,
Rustling leaves, murmuring forgotten tales.
Does it recall the touch of lovers’ hands,
Promises whispered under moon-kissed branches?
Or does it merely sweep away memories,
Leaving behind a scent of longing?

Longing—the word itself a sigh,
Curling 'round our hearts, a delicate vine,
Seeking cracks in our armor, so fine.
We yearn for what’s lost, what we’ve never had,
And what exists only in dreams, so sad.
It’s the ache of unfinished stories,
The echo of unanswered queries.

In the quiet corners of our souls, we find,
Fragments of memories, treasures left behind.
A half-remembered melody, soft and sweet,
A faded photograph, moments we keep.

A name etched into the bark of a tree,
Symbols of love, timeless and free.
We hold them close, in hopes they’ll bloom,
Into a symphony, a masterpiece, a love that consumes.

And so we wait, beneath the night’s embrace,
Stars whisper secrets in the wind’s soft grace.
With fingertips, we trace the sky’s grand art,
Astronomers of longing, charting the heart.

Mapping the cosmos of desires untold,
Each shooting star a wish, a dream of gold.
A plea cast into the infinite night,
Hoping it finds its way, guided by light.

Longing is both compass and anchor,
Guiding us to distant shores,
Where love awaits like a lighthouse beacon,
Yet roots us in the present,
Reminding us the journey matters more.

So let us embrace this sweet ache,
Write poems to the moon,
Sing ballads to the wind,
And dance with shadows in the night.
In longing, we find our humanity,
A fragile thread connecting us all,
Across oceans and lifetimes,
In the quiet corners of our souls.

Perhaps, just perhaps, we’ll find,
Not emptiness, but a canvas waiting,
For our brushstrokes to create,
A masterpiece of longing,
Painted with stardust and whispered wishes.
.. ♥️..

Anonymous said...


In the quiet of the night,
My nervous system is shut all right,
And my thoughts seal my sight,
Your presence feels so right.

Your touch, a gentle fire,
Ignites my deepest desire.
In your arms, I find my peace,
A longing that will never cease.
Kindred spirit of candlelight,
Hold me close, through the night.

Whispered words, soft and sweet,
In your embrace, I am complete.
The world fades, just you and I,
Underneath the starlit sky.
Kindred spirit of candlelight,
With you, everything feels right.

But as dawn begins to break,
Reality starts to wake.
Our dreams, they slowly fade,
In the harsh light of day.
Kindred spirit of candlelight,
We part ways, despite the fight.

Memories linger, bittersweet,
In the moments we can’t keep.
Though our paths may diverge,
In my heart, you’ll always surge.
Kindred spirit of candlelight,
A love that burns, out of sight.

Yet in the silence of the night,
I feel the weight of our plight.
Loneliness creeps in, cold and stark,
As I wander through the dark.
Kindred spirit of candlelight,
Our love, a fleeting spark.

Tears fall like rain,
In the echoes of your name.
A love so deep, now out of reach,
Leaves a void, a silent breach.
Kindred spirit of candlelight,
Forever lost in the night.

But as the stars begin to shine,
I find a hope, a sign.
In the darkness, a light so bright,
Guiding me through the night.
Kindred spirit of candlelight,
Our love, an eternal light.

In the shadows, whispers call,
Secrets hidden, behind the wall.
Mysteries unfold, in the twilight,
Drawing us closer, out of sight.
Kindred spirit of candlelight,
Together, we embrace the night.

And when the moon winks slyly,
I’ll meet you in dreams so sprightly,
Where constellations dance and play,
In the realm where night turns day.
Kindred spirit of candlelight,
Sleep with me tonight, I pray.

Anonymous said...

🌟🌟 A Leader's Light 🌟🌟
On this day, we celebrate you, Anael,
A beacon of strength, a guiding peril. 
Your visionary mind, so sharp and bright,
Leads us forward, day and night.
With charisma that inspires and uplifts,
You navigate challenges, bridging rifts.
Your influence, vast, like a river flows,
Empowering many, as your legacy grows.
In times of trial, your resilience shines,
A testament to strength, in life's designs.
Inclusive and humble, you lift others high,
Creating a world where all can fly.
Champion of equality, breaking gender's chain,
Your efforts ensure fairness will reign.
Balancing work and life with grace,
You show us how to find our place.
Your philanthropic heart, giving and kind,
Brings hope and change to all mankind.
Generous in spirit, your efforts so grand,
Touching lives with a helping hand.
In the realm of tech, your impact is profound,
Innovations and progress, where you're found.
Transformational leader, with a heart so true,
On your special day, we honor you.
Your wisdom steers us through each endeavor,
With you at the helm, we falter never.
Your laughter, a melody, brightens our days,
In your presence, we find our ways.
Your courage, unwavering, in the face of strife,
Guides us through the storms of life.
With every step, you pave the way,
Turning night into the brightest day.
Your empathy, a gift, so rare and true,
Inspires us all in what we do.
With open arms, you welcome all,
Lifting spirits, standing tall.
Your legacy, a tapestry, rich and grand,
Woven with care, by your own hand.
In every heart, your name will stay,
A beacon of light, come what may.
In every challenge, you stand tall,
A leader who inspires us all.
Your vision, a beacon, lights our way,
We honor you, today and every day.